I work mainly with adults ages 18 and above, both men and women. Face to face or Telehealth sessions are both available. My social work training has prepared me to work with various cultures, religions, races, socioeconomic status, and all sexual orientation.
Hours of availability
My aim at Clarity is to provide individualized confidential quality mental health care, so I choose to have a smaller caseload and reduced hours. I have days that are designated for emergencies, and I have late times with my last appointment of the day being 6 p.m. Typically, appointments are available at the times listed here:
Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sessions usually begin weekly and gradually decrease to every other week, and then monthly prior to discontinuing services.
*Inclement weather: If the Fayetteville and/or surrounding area public schools, such as Greenland are closed, then Clarity is closed, and I will notify you to reschedule.
I accept cash, check, and most major credit/debit cards. I also have a venmo account. I'm credentialed with the following insurances:
Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield
Having insurance is not a guarantee of payment. If therapist bills insurance and insurance does not pay, client is responsible.
Individual session--$170.00 for 50-60 minutes; if longer sessions are requested an additional $42.50 will be charged for each 15 minutes over 60 minutes. These will have to be scheduled in advance.
Sessions will occur at my office, but exceptions on occasion may be possible at my discretion. If a client requests me to be present at a specific meeting to provide therapeutic recommendations and/or support, individual session fees apply (and prorated if over an hour) and possibly mileage cost depending on distance. These must be scheduled in advance with details discussed prior to the special request.
Self-pay or high deductible clients: $100.00 per clinical hour.
Sliding fee scale available with written and verbal request by the client.
Additional Fees
Communications-phone calls that lead to session-type communication, such as therapeutic recommendations, will be considered a service. This will be billed to the responsible party at a rate of $60/hour with incremental billing of $15/15 minute block; for 1-15, 16-30, 31-45, 46-60 minutes. Please note this does not include questions or reminders regarding appointment times and other similar communications.
Types of communications include: an email requiring a lengthy response is the same as a 15 minute phone call-$15
Please understand that I consider text messaging as a short version of communication. If you send me a lengthy text, I will ask that we either schedule a phone call or a session.
Court Fees
Up to four hours--$800, each additional hour over the four hours is $250 per hour and will be billed in 15 minute increments (1-15 minutes; 16-30 minutes, 31-45 minutes, 46-60 minutes).
I will only attend court via subpoena. The subpoena must be delivered to me either in person, mail or fax 48 hours prior to the court date. Stated fees will be charged whether I testify or not. A check for the first four hours ($800) must be received 24 hours prior to court. If there is an amount due for longer than four hours, collection will be expected from the responsible party within a week following the court date.
Court letters and/or reports are $50
If proceedings occur outside of Fayetteville area, I charge a $0.50 per mile mileage rate from the office.
Faxes, other letters, and Records fees:
When records are requested through Disability determination, they typically reimburse the therapist. No fee for the client.
When records are requested with proper releases I will fax them accordingly for $15.
Other letters needed for things not involving court are $35.
These fees will be invoiced and collected at the next scheduled session, if within two weeks. If more than two weeks, an invoice will be mailed.
ATTENDANCE, LATE CANCELS, AND NO SHOW FEES: Attendance and commitment to your mental health treatment is vital for your success and improved mental wellness. Your time and my time are both important and valuable. I will do my best to be prompt for the start and end of your sessions. Please understand that sometimes there are circumstances outside of my control. Once you make an appointment, you have reserved that time strictly for you which means I’m not going to give that time to someone else. If you need to cancel, please do so as soon as possible and importantly in 24 hours prior to your appointment time. Emergencies happen for all of us, so these will not count against you.
Cancellations must occur 24 hours in advance, if less than this a fee of $25-$100 will be charged.
No-show fees are $50 - $100 per missed appointment
Established: 7/7/21